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Monday, September 27, 2010

What Are The Benefits Of Birding

Posted by Admin On 2:58 PM No comments

What can you expect to gain when you start your bird watching journey? So much!

Fun. Big fun. Something deep seems to get fulfilled. A connection is made with the immense beauty of nature.

Satisfaction. Birding invokes our primeval hunting instincts. It delivers all the satisfaction of the hunt, even though the prey itself escapes unharmed. Birding is the perfect sport for the 21st Century.

Health. Birding gets you vertical. It gets you outside and walking. But it's effortless, because your attention is on the birds. After a little birding, you've usually covered quite a bit of ground.

Family. Birding unites people across generations. By taking up birding, parents or grandparents can introduce their children to an interest in nature that will stay with them all their lives.

Companionship. Birding is the ideal social activity. A birder need never be lonely. Nearly every community has a birding club of some sort. And because birders love to share their knowledge, newcomers are always welcome.

Solitude. Birding is also the ideal solitary sport. There's a special pleasure in going out alone to bird. Your mind settles down. Your senses open up, and all nature seems to become your friend. Birding is a sport of many moods, and it serves the causes of companionship and solitude equally well.

Enjoy the many benefits in birdwatching!

Photo credit: www.sxc.hu/profile/arsbrazil


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