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  • Build A Birdbath In Your Garden

    Kindness is a birdbath. Your little circle of clean, cool water under a leafy branch is a kindness to the birds, because fresh clean water can sometimes be the hardest necessity for birds to come by. And it's a kindness to yourself and your family, too, because watching the birds at the birdbath will bring you great happiness....

  • Using Bird Feeders To Attract Birds In Your Backyard

    There are several factors to consider after you've decided to feed birds in your backyard...

  • Best Birding Tips For Beginners

    The beautiful part about birding is that it can truly be done anywhere! You can go to your local park and find some great specimens. If you're traveling, you'll find a new appreciation of the songs of birds and what you can find. You can even watch birds in your own back yard!...

  • Top 10 Tips When Choosing The Right Binoculars

    here are a few simple rules to consider and questions to ask when purchasing your first pair of binoculars...


Posted by Admin On 7:56 PM

This site is dedicated to amateur bird lovers who wants to find the perfect place to begin to know the art of bird watching.